What is not supported by this item?
- Installation
Editing Logo
, please use Adobe Photoshop or GimpBuild apps
with Ionic-CLI, but maybe we help you if you get problemSubmit Apps
to Google Play or App Store, you must submit their self and follow their rules for get approved (your application is accepted/rejected it is not our responsibility)Custom Code
TS, HTML and SCSS (Features is available, but we not teach you about learning TS, HTML and SCSS, please learn it self)Installation WebServer
orConfiguration Your WebServer
, upload scripts to your server or install and add plugin to your Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal or OtherFunny questions
, such as how to change the background,how to send apk to my smartphoneYou send message using social media
, whatsapp, or not using email support, no support using social media (fast response only via email: imabuilder@ihsana.com or imabuilder@ihsana.net)Support has been expired
, over 6 months for regular license and 1 year for extended licenseSending large files
on email, we will not read themSPAM or Sending email repeatedly
, We will reply to your message no later than 6 hours and on average we reply within 15 minutes
About Errors
- Our support is limited to problems with
orCode generated
- We will fix the code if the error is caused by an error in AppBuilder coding and the code generated by AppBuilder, a
maximum of 2x24 hours
- Errors originating from
ionicFramework official
are not our responsibility, but we monitor their progress and if they can be fixed on the code side, we will fix them. - Errors from
Cordova or Capasitor
both during compilation and app crashes are beyond our support, please discuss on each platform Error when installing
ionic, cordova, androidstudio, androidsdk, xcode or nodejs beyond our support- Errors caused by the
ability of your server
are beyond our support
We hope everyone understands, this is done so that we can focus on the appbuilder and in accordance with our responsibilities
Last edit: 2021-04-03 10:51:44