Run the terminal or Node.js Command prompt
To install this library, run:
npm install firebaseui-angular --save
To run this library you need to have AngularFire2, Firebase, FirebaseUI-Web installed. Fast install:
npm install firebase --save
npm install firebaseui --save
npm install @angular/fire --save
npm install firebaseui-angular --save
npm install -g firebase-tools
Add new Firebase projects in Firebase Console, Create a project name:
and Package Name:com.imabuilder.v3.ihsanalab.firebaseauthaddons
Then add Firebase to your web app , click Gear Icon -» Project Settings -» General
In Your apps section, click Add app -» Icon Code, Enter your App nickname and click Register App button
Copy the configuration in: Your apps -» Firebase SDK snippet -» Config
Write the values into the fields provided
Select sign-in method providers click Develop Tab --» Authentication
Then create Could Firestore, click Database --» Could Firestore
Run Node.js Command prompt, then type this command:
firebase login
then login to your account
Then initialize a Firebase project
firebase init
select: (*) Firestore: Deploy rules and create indexes for Firestore, then select: (*) Use an existing project and your app:
and press enter and enter
Last edit: 2020-09-22 09:34:32