Update Android SDK
Run your Android Studio -» File -» Setting -» SDK Manager -» Appearance & Bahavior -» System Setting -» Android SDK -» SDK Platform -» Update SDK Platform and Update SDK Tools
API level requirement |
Starting date |
Android 8.0 (API level 26) |
- August 1, 2018: Required for new apps
- November 1, 2018: Required for app updates
Android 9 (API level 28) |
- August 1, 2019: Required for new apps
- November 1, 2019: Required for app updates
Android 10 (API level 29)*
- August 3, 2020: Required for new apps
- November 2, 2020: Required for app updates
Update Cordova Plugin
Run your nodejs then goto your project, install cordova-check-plugins
npm install -g cordova-check-plugins --save
Update your cordova plugin
cordova-check-plugins --update=auto
Re-add Android Platform
Open window explorer/finder then go to your project and delete the platform forder
Run your nodejs then clear cache
npm cache clean --force
npm cache verify
Then add Android platform and its plugin:
ionic cordova platform add android@latest
Try to build android
ionic cordova build android
If it still has an error, it is very likely that there is a conflicting plugin, please check one by one, to see the list of plugins use the command:
ionic cordova plugin list
Hope you understand
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