Usually it crashes permanently when running the emulator. To make sure your ionic-cli is installed perfectly, please do the following:
Go to drive
and press enterd:
Create a blank project, using the command:
ionic start "TestApp" blank --project-id="test-app" --type=angular --cordova
Are you sure you want to continue?, type y
Create free Ionic account?
Go to the folder you just created:
cd ./test-app
Then try to install
core:npm install @awesome-cordova-plugins/core@latest --save
Then exit emulator by pressing ctrl+c, next we will check: cordova, android sdk and gradle are installed properly
Then add
plaftomionic cordova plaform add android@latest
Finally we create the apk file
ionic cordova build android
If the emulator doesn't work, it means there was an error installing your ionic-cli or nodejs. Please re-install your NodeJS and Ionic-CLI.
Last edit: 2023-08-21 11:16:59