a) Project
Name | Info | Status | |
App Name | : | Specifies the app's formal name, as it appears on the device's home screen and within app-store interfaces, using a-z, A-Z and space characters only | required |
App Version | : | Specifies the app's version | required |
App Description | : | Specifies metadata that may appear within app-store listings, using a-z, A-Z and space characters only | required |
Text Direction | : | Use RTL for languages written from right to left (like Hebrew or Arabic), and ltr for those written from left to right (like English and most other languages) | required |
Icon | : | Additional icons are needed to enhance your project | required |
Color | : | Similar with icon, choose the dominant color for your application | required |

b) Author
Then information about the author of the application
Name | Info | Status | |
Author | : | Name of the author, using a-z, A-Z, dot, comma, and space characters only | required |
Organization | : | Name of company/organization, using a-z, A-Z, dot, comma, and space characters only | required |
: | Email of the author | required | |
Website | : | Website of the author | required |

c) Configuration
Global configuration file that controls many aspects of a cordova application behavior, this does not need to be set, you can set it if needed only.
Name | Info | Status | |
Splash Screen Delay | : | Amount of time in milliseconds to wait before automatically hide splash screen | optional |
Fade Splash Screen Duration | : | Specifies the number of milliseconds for the splash screen fade effect to execute | optional |
Orientation | : | Allows you to lock orientation and prevent the interface from rotating in response to changes in orientation | optional |
Content | : | Defines the app's starting page in the top-level web assets directory | optional |

d) StatusBar
The StatusBar object provides some functions to customize the iOS and Android StatusBar
Name | Info | Status | |
Style | : | Set the status bar style | optional |
Background Color | : | Set the background color of the statusbar | optional |

Last edit: 2019-02-08 07:35:49