Before running imabuilderz, you have to install Ionic-CLI properly. You can create an blank apk, like in this guides
This is actually an ordinary ionic-cli command, but it runs an emulator in the AppBuilder folder and there are several commands to change file/folders permissions (for *nux/osx)
- Create an app in AppBuilder, using the (IMAB) Apps Page on the AppBuilder Dashboard
- Make an ionic project by following the commands on 1. (IMAB) Start Compiler or (IMAB) Compiler Page
- If an error occurs while running the emulator, follow the instructions on 2. (IMAB) Update Plugins and Errors or (IMAB) Update Native Plugins Page
- Now, you can run the emulator, by following the command on the right side or under (IMAB) Emulator
Try watching these videos:
Last edit: 2022-02-16 08:01:33