Hope you understand
This problems outside the AppBuilder topic are do not cover in our support. We only help fellow as programmers, We only help personally not appbuilder support
- Download the NodeJS according to your os: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and install it
- Download the Gradle: https://gradle.org/install/ and unzip it
- Download the Android Studio: https://developer.android.com/studio/ and install and update it
Windows User
Install Android Studio and Update Your Android Studio Configuration
- Install Android Studio and connect your internet
Run your Android Studio -» Tools -» SDK Manager -» Appearance & Bahavior -» System Setting -» Android SDK -» SDK Platform -» Update SDK Platform
Please tick Android 12.x (API Level 31), API Level 32, API Level 33, API Level 34 or latest and delete the old version
Then Update SDK Builds-Tools, click SDK Tools tab then checked Show Package Details
Checked SDK Build-Tools 33.0.2 or latest version (according your SDK Build-Tools version)
- Click File -» Choose Your Project -» Add No Activity
- Click File -» Setting -» Build, Execution, Deployment -» Build Tools -» Gradle, Set Default Gradle Wrapper or Use Local Gradle distribution and then click OK
- Then Click Build -» Build Bundle(s) / APK(s)
Setting Environment variables
For Window user, go to Control Panel -» System -» Advanced System Setting -» Tab Advance -» Environment Variables Button, and edit environ for
according SDK Build-Tools pathchange according to the name of the folder/path of your computer, example:
c:\build-apk\androidsdk c:\build-apk\androidsdk\tools c:\build-apk\androidsdk\tools\bin c:\build-apk\androidsdk\platform-tools C:\build-apk\androidsdk\build-tools\33.0.0\ c:\build-apk\androidsdk\cmdline-tools\latest\bin
And you also need keytool and jarsigner which are in jre (current version: jbr), also add it to PATH
change according to the name of the folder/path of your computer
If you need gradle commands, you should also add gradle to PATH
change according to the name of the folder/path of your computer
also check the SystemRoot environments, it should also be in the PATH
Then click New add new environ for
and write the variable value according Android SDK pathchange according to the name of the folder/path of your computer
And click New add new environ for
and write the variable value according Java SDK pathchange according to the name of the folder/path of your computer
Install Ionic-CLI
Connect your internet, then run
Node.js command prompt
or usingterminal/bash
Install Ionic CLI globally with npm, type this command:
npm install -g @ionic/cli
and also install cordova:
npm install -g cordova@latest
Test Tools
Make sure nothing comes out: xxxx is not recognized as an internal or external command
when running the command below:
- Run
Node.js command prompt
, then run this command: Testing gradle
gradle --v
Testing keytool
Testing jarsigner
Test create an APK File using Ionic-CLI
Please run the following command to create an blank apk file
Go to
for windows usersD:
Create an ionic project
ionic start "Test App" blank --project-id="test-app" --type=angular --cordova
[WARN] About to integrate your app with Cordova.
Connect with millions of developers on the Ionic Forum and get access to live events, news updates, and more.
Go to the folder you just created
cd test-app
corenpm install @awesome-cordova-plugins/core@latest --save
platformionic cordova platform add android@latest
And try to create an apk file
ionic cordova build android
Last edit: 2023-07-29 10:58:00